3D Rotate Tool

The 3D Rotate tool allows you to rotate selected objects in the current view plane by drawing an arc with the mouse.


3D Radial Duplicate Tool

The 3D Radial Duplicate tool allows you to radially duplicate selected objects in the current view plane by drawing an arc with the mouse. Spiral duplications are also available.



In-plane duplications

Spiral duplications



In the tool's dialog:

Set the tool to in-plane or spiral duplication. Make the other choices as with the 2D tool.

To duplicate objects in-plane, use the tool like the WildTools Radial Duplicate tool. The only difference is that the rotation is in the current view plane.

To duplicate objects in a spiral, set the tool to spiral duplication, and use the method shown below for the 3D Radial Repeat tool, which is the tool you normally use for spiral duplications.


3D Radial Repeat Tool

The 3D Radial Repeat tool allows you to radially duplicate selected objects in the current view plane by drawing an arc with the mouse. Spiral duplications are also available.


In-plane duplications

Spiral duplications


The repeat angle is set in the tool's dialog, and the number of duplications is determined by the angle of the arc that you draw. Thus the number of duplications depends on the angle that you indicate-the farther you drag, the more objects are duplicated. In the case of a spiral duplication, you may have any number of complete revolutions.

Spiral staircases are nothing.


3D Radial Distribute Tool

The 3D Radial Distribute tool allows you to radially duplicate selected objects in the current view plane by drawing an arc with the mouse. Spiral duplications are also available.


In-plane duplications

Spiral duplications


This tool is exactly like the 3D Radial Duplicate tool described above, except that the mouse movement is used to indicate the overall arc angle of the duplications. Thus the mouse is used to determine the angle of the last duplication, and all intermediate objects are evenly distributed along this arc.


3D Swirl Tool

This tool is the same as the Swirl tool except that it operated in the current view plane and also in a spiral across the current view plane.

There is no known serious use for this tool yet discovered, but it's a great thing to play with when you're bored.