3D Axial Rotate Tool

The 3D Axial Rotate tool allows you to rotate selected objects about an axis that is perpendicular to the current view play by drawing an arc with the mouse in the current view plane.

Roof flashing detail drawn with WildTools 3D by architect Stephen A. Mouzon.

This tool is useful for rotating the presentation of objects out of one of the isometric planes. For example, if you wanted to draw something flat -- say a hexagon -- and then make it look like it was laying flat on this roof, well, that's what this tool is for.


3D Axial Duplicate Tool

This tool is the same as the 3D Radial Duplicate tool except that it rotates the objects about an axis that is perpendicular to the current view plane.


3D Axial Repeat Tool

This tool is the same as the 3D Radial Repeat tool except that it rotates the objects about an axis that is perpendicular to the current view plane.

3D Axial Distribute Tool

This tool is the same as the 3D Radial Distribute tool except that it rotates the objects about an axis that is perpendicular to the current view plane.