Transformation Tools

The first two rows of the Transformation Tools palette contains a new type of tool that operates on selected objects. The third row contains tools which allow you to operate on selected areas of the drawing. If you wish, you may install the Transformation tools at the top of the WildTools palette. You make this choice in the WildTools preferences dialog box on the Layout Menu.

These tools are extremely powerful and require some getting-used-to. However, once you master them, you will find they will dramatically speed up the drafting process. The Linear Move, Linear Repeat and Rotate tools are the most commonly used tools, but all of the tools serve a valuable function.

There are a number of important advantages offered by these tools and their method of operation:

These tools are highly innovative, and they allow you to duplicate and rotate objects with a flick of the mouse. In particular, the Linear Repeat tool is unique in its ability to duplicate objects at a specified offset. The farther you drag, the more objects are duplicated. Repeated patterns of lines or rectangles for studs, windows or parking lot spaces are easy.