WildTools provides four tools for selecting objects.


Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand tool allows you to select--with a single click--multiple objects that match your selection criteria. You may select objects by object type, pen color, pattern, etc. This allows you to select all red lines, or all blue-filled objects, or all external objects of a particular type.

In the tool's dialog, you set the behavior of the tool:

As you can see, you can select objects by a wide variety of choices.


Finger Tool

The Finger tool allows you to select objects by drawing a line across them.

Since only objects which are crossed by the line are selected, this allows you to select a number of objects in close proximity to other objects.


Marquee Tool

The Marquee tool allows you to select objects by drawing a rotated rectangle or a polygon around the objects to select them.


Polygon Marquee Tool

The Polygon Marquee tool allows you to select objects by drawing a polygon around them.

You may also use the tool to select objects using an existing object in the drawing. To do this, hold down the option key and click on any closed object in the drawing. Objects enclosed by the clicked-on object will be selected.