Rotate Tool

The Rotate tool allows you to rotate selected objects by drawing an arc with the mouse or by clicking on an existing arc.

Because you can see the objects move as you rotate them, it is quite easy to rotate parts back and forth to see how they will operate in a mechanism.


Radial Duplicate Tool

The Radial Duplicate tool allows you to radially duplicate selected objects by drawing an arc with the mouse or by clicking on an existing arc.

In the tool's dialog you can select the Complete Circle option, in which case the number of duplicates will be determined automatically so that they are evenly distributed through 360°.

Complete Circle option in action.

The Complete Circle option produces an interesting kaleidoscopic effect, so if you're having a bad day, playing with this tool is more fun that throwing cats out of airplanes.


Radial Repeat Tool

The Radial Repeat tool allows you to radially duplicate selected objects by drawing an arc with the mouse or by clicking on an existing arc.

As you can see, there is much like the Radial Duplicate tool, except that in this case, the angle is specified and the number of duplicates is determined by the movement of the mouse.


Radial Distribute Tool

The Radial Distribute tool allows you to radially duplicate selected objects by drawing an arc with the mouse or by clicking on an existing arc.

This tool is exactly like the Radial Duplicate tool described above, except that the mouse movement or clicked-on arc is used to indicate the overall arc angle of the duplications. Thus the mouse or arc is used to determine the angle of the last duplication, and all intermediate objects are evenly distributed along this arc.


Spin Tool

This tool operates exactly like the Rotate tool except that it rotates each selected object about its own center.