Perspective Line Tool

This tool allows you to draw lines in three-way mode or in the current perspective plane.

In three-way mode, the lines are always aligned with a vanishing point. Press the Option key to draw from center. Press the Shift key to unconstrain from perspective drawing.

Drawing a line in three-way mode

When you draw with the tool constrained/unconstrained to snap angles, this is the WildTools Line tool operating in the current perspective plane. Thus you may use the Option and Shift keys as before, and you also have tangent and perpendicular snapping available and these snaps operate in the current perspective plane.


Perspective Guideline Tool

Click and drag to place a guideline relative to a vanishing point.

Placing perspective guidelines

Perspective Grid Tool

Draw a rectangle and a perspective grid of lines will be placed in the drawing in the current perspective plane.

Set the number of the lines in the tool's dialog.

To use the tool, draw a rectangle in the current perspective plane.

Draw a perspective grid

Perspective Rectangle Tool

Perspective Rotated Rectangle Tool

Perspective Slot Tool

These tools let you draw a rectangle or slot in the current perspective plane.

Draw a perspective rectangle